

Gaminate Matrix EN

If we were to describe the ingredients of Gaminate with one image, it would be this one. We called it the Gaminate matrix.

Providing energy is only one of the intended effects that we put in front of GAMINATE creating its recipe.

This is obviously a very important effect, therefore in our case it is a multidimensional energy (stretched over time and felt in a specific way, other than in the case of, for example, standard energy drinks).

The main goal was:

Real (really noticeable by users) improvement of broadly understood cognitive abilities, such as ability to concentrate, memorize or reaction speed,

As well as improving well-being, or paradoxically (despite the energizing effect) obtaining the effect of calming and better self-control, which are extremely important for the effectiveness of the former

What is extremely important – GAMINATE is not a kind of a designer drug or a steroid for the brain (it does not contain drug substances), but “only” a nourisher that ensures its optimal functioning by providing the ingredients that are necessary for its proper daily functioning. Ingredients that are permanently lacking in our current lifestyle and nutrition.

Providing it (body and brain) with these necessary ingredients is enough to feel a really noticeable effect.

Autor tekstu
Przez dwadzieścia lat zajmował się opracowywaniem i wprowadzaniem na rynek nowych, innowacyjnych produktów dla największych firm spożywczych w Polsce i za granicą. Doskonale zna się na każdym etapie tego procesu – od idei, przez tworzenie receptur i ich testowanie, po technologię produkcji. W GAMINATE odpowiada przede wszystkim za całą strefę produktową oraz analitykę.


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