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If you drink coffee mainly for pleasure, we're not going to dissuade you from it for anything in the world 🙂

If you also, or even only, drink it when you need a boost of mental energy to overcome sluggishness and, for example, to be able to work or study longer and more effectively, then we really have a lot to offer you and we strongly encourage you to read the following text.

A text explaining why coffee (and energies) provide you with a boost, while Gaminate, in addition to better stimulation, will make you YOUR BRAIN WILL WORK BETTER.

The two products with which Gaminate is most often compared in terms of performance are the following coffee and the so-called energies.

As far as energies go, they really only have 2 basic functions - stimulating and in a way also thirst-quenching. In both dimensions, Gaminate beats them outright :). We write about this in more detail here Gaminate vs. Energetics .

Very often this theme also appears in opinions customers. 

In the case of coffees the issue becomes decidedly more multidimensional.

Coffee has essentially 3 main dimensions, or in other words "reasons"for which (at least one of them) is consumed at least once a day by the vast majority of adults living in so-called 'Western culture' countries:

  • functional - based on the action of the caffeine present in it, the de facto foundation on which coffee has built its undoubted success as one of the world's most popular drinks.
    Hundreds of millions of people around the world cannot imagine starting their day without a cup of coffee to help them wake up fully. Similarly, during the afternoons, when the body's natural decline in performance occurs, coffee has become the usual remedy.
    Interestingly, a certain percentage of the population, due to the different physiognomy of certain receptors in the brain from the rest, is practically completely insensitive to the stimulating effects of caffeine, but a large proportion of them reach for coffee anyway for any of the other 2 reasons.

There is, however, a not inconsiderable number of people who do not enjoy drinking coffee and who drink it purely for its stimulating effect - and they often seek alternatives, for example on the energy shop shelf and, more recently, increasingly in our shop. 

  • pleasure - is practically a river topic - many of us savour the taste of fine coffee, finding dozens of different notes in it, buying freshly roasted beans from specialised roasters, brewing it in a myriad of different ways....
    What not to say - for many people, coffee can provide a really sophisticated taste experience
  • Social - coffee has become a kind of code word for establishing or maintaining interpersonal relationships.
    Going out or making coffee appointments, treating guests to coffee, taking a 'coffee' break at work, etc., etc., has become extremely deeply ingrained in our culture and has become a regular part of our daily lives.

Looking at these 3 dimensions, for the last 2, due to their specificity, it is hard for us to compete directly with coffee in them, although many of our users definitely prefer the taste of Gaminate over that of coffee 🙂 . And what is even more interesting and what makes us extremely happy - for many of them drinking Gaminate has already become a kind of ritual and in certain circumstances it has become, like coffee, simply a "must have".

However, we will undoubtedly have to wait a little longer before people start commonly socialising or going out together "on Gaminate" :).

However, taking into account the functional dimensionhere, as with energy drinks we unquestionably beat coffee outright.

Functionally, both coffee and energies are only able to provide us with a sense of "simple" AWAKENING - for a while we simply stop feeling sluggish or sleepy.

This is because in both these drinks The following are solely responsible for this effect 1, or 2 ingredients: caffeine and sugar (if sweetened).
Not only is this stimulation relatively short-lived, but (if the drink contained sugar) it ends after a short period of time The so-called energy collapse, or otherwise known as the sugar crash.

This is a direct result of the specific effects of caffeine and sugar on our bodies:

  • caffeine on its own, it can make us stop wanting to sleep for a while, but it does not significantly improve our, let's call it, efficiency and intellectual performance (concentration, reaction time, etc.), and in addition, after another dose taken in a relatively short period of time - which happens to us all too often when we try to save ourselves with it in so-called "difficult moments" - can show its negative face: there is a feeling of restlessness, an accelerated heart rate or even trembling hands.
  • sugar and when it enters the bloodstream, it causes a rapid release of insulin, which tries to "manage" it as quickly as possible. The body perceives high blood sugar levels as a kind of stress situation and, in addition to insulin, also secretes so-called stress hormones, i.e. cortisol and adrenaline, which speed up the heart rate and increase blood pressure. This is why we feel a kind of arousal immediately after consuming simple sugars.
    However, the intense action of these hormones causes a rapid drop in blood sugar levels after just a few tens of minutes, which in turn leads to feelings of weakness, irritability or even headaches, which are precisely the typical symptoms of the so-called "sugar crash".

GAMINATE whereas it is able to provide the user with not only pure physical stimulation, but above all REAL improvement:

  • mental capacity
  • ability to focus attention
  • short-term memory
  • reaction time
  • general well-being and mood
  • so-called mental energy

this effect lasts up to 6 hours after consumption and most importantly it does not end with this so-called 'energy slide' because:

  • no sugar in it
  • The stimulating effect is based not only on pure caffeine, but on its interaction with a matrix of several other ingredients, so that it has a longer-lasting and more multidimensional effect without causing unpleasant effects such as trembling hands or heart palpitations.

The GAMINATE formula is based on a specially selected selection of 12 active ingredients, which act synergistically to produce this unique and complex effect, which is a combination of a surge of energy with a significant improvement in cognitive ability.

If you would like to know more about them (the individual ingredients) please visit the section WHAT IS GAMINATEwhere you will find, among other things, a detailed description of them.

So what is GAMINATE? 

If we had to summarise the whole idea behind GAMINATE literally in 4 words, we would say that it is:

ENERGISING NUTRIENT FOR THE BRAINwhich de facto describes the key functions of the product, and with 3 more to go, I would add IMPROVING COGNITIVE ABILITIES.

RESINbecause the primary function of the product and the way it works is to nourish our brain. 

We encourage you to read the second article, in which we describe the essence of our product in detail. ENERGISING NUTRIENT FOR THE BRAIN

Author of the text
For twenty years, he has been involved in developing and launching innovative new products for major food companies in Poland and abroad. He is well versed in every stage of this process - from ideation, recipe development and testing, to production technology. At GAMINATE, he is primarily responsible for the entire product area and analytics.


6 thoughts on “KAWA VS GAMINATE”

      1. Hi, the recommended daily dose of caffeine should not exceed 400 mg. In one serving of Gaminate you have 200 mg, so here, depending on your own caffeine tolerance, you can decide how much more caffeine you take in on any given day.

  1. Pingback: Gaminate - your energy for the game!

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