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Optimal hydration in the mountains

We all know very well that the mountains are a uniquely beautiful passion. However, the love of the mountains places demands on our physical activity. Without physical fitness, it is not possible to explore this passion.

Mountain walking requires strength, agility, sober thinking and - not least - endurance. Exhausting mountain hikes, often in varying weather conditions, pose a serious challenge to the body, especially in terms of maintaining proper hydration.

While in the mountains, the body's need for proper hydration is increased compared to that in the lowlands. Due to the altitude, the excretion of liquids (diuresis) increases, we lose more water in exhaled air, and we do not feel as much perspiration, although it does occur. As a result, you can dehydrate much more quickly in the mountains than in the lowlands.

Hydration is therefore an issue that every mountain enthusiast, regardless of level, should take extremely seriously. After all, proper hydration not only determines your performance on the trail, but also your health and well-being. Although we might instinctively reach for water as the main source of hydration, many years of experience backed up by a huge number of studies indicate that specialised hydration drinks - preferably isotonic - are far more effective, providing the body with critical ingredients in addition to water during such a strain.

Hydration in the mountains: Water or isotonic drinks?

During intense physical exertion such as mountain exploration, we not only lose water, but also electrolytes - minerals such as sodium, potassium, chloride, magnesium and calcium. These play key roles in our bodies. They help regulate blood pressure, fluid balance, muscle contractions and nerve conduction. With a lot of exertion and sweating, we lose these valuable components, which can lead to even faster water loss from the body, fatigue, muscle cramps and even problems with concentration and motor coordination.

An example of the dramatic effects that an electrolyte deficiency in orgasm can lead to is when we are unable to control our muscle spasms and have to stop hiking. Muscle cramps during exercise are in the vast majority of cases caused precisely by electrolyte deficiencies, which lead to a disruption of the electrical conduction processes in the muscles.

Drinking pure water not only does not ensure that we replenish the electrolytes lost during exercise or in the heat, but actually makes it "flush" them out of our bodies in an increased way.

Isotonic drinks are designed to "mimic" the natural conditions for our body's cells as closely as possible, providing them not only with water, but also with the right proportions of electrolytes and key vitamins. Their name - Isotonic - tells us that they have a concentration (so-called osmotic pressure) of active substances identical to that possessed by the plasma of our blood. As a result, they are able to quickly rehydrate and replenish lost components, counteracting the negative effects of dehydration.

We can summarise the advantages of isotonic drinks over water as follows:

1. effective hydration.
Isotonic drinks contain electrolytes such as sodium, potassium and chloride, which are critical for the body to function properly.
Pure water has very few (both in terms of types and quantities) electrolytes and drinking it even flushes them out of the body.
Their presence in the intake fluid makes the hydration of the body's cells more effective and long-lasting.

2. support for physical fitness.
Isotonic drinks provide essential nutrients that support energy production, help fight fatigue and improve endurance during exercise.

3. Regeneration of the body.
Isotonic drinks, thanks to the ingredients present (electrolytes, vitamins), help to regenerate muscles and return the body to a state of equilibrium after intensive training.

4. better absorption of nutrients.
Isotonic drinks have an osmotic pressure similar to that of body fluids, which facilitates the absorption of the nutrients present in the drink by the body.

A perfect example of such a drink is the recently launched Gaminate Hydration, which has a unique formulation compared to other isotonic drinks on the market, created by eminent hydration scientists, whose effectiveness has been confirmed in clinical studies, based on 3 main pillars:

  • provides an appropriately high and optimally balanced ration all 6 electrolytes
  • provides up to 13 vitaminsof which all 10 B vitaminswhich are key to the body's energy production processes and the proper functioning of the brain. They help to improve concentration and maintain cognitive functions at the highest level.
    Vitamins C and D, meanwhile, support our immune system, which is particularly important for organisms under constant physical strain.
  • As the first isotonic drink in the world to be sugar-free- which is an issue of utmost importance for all those people who consciously try to avoid it knowing the negative impact it has on our metabolic health. Sugar should also be avoided by those focused on improving fat metabolism during and immediately after exercise.

What needs to be emphasised is that all other sugar-free sports drinks that can be found on the market are not isotonic - they do not have an optimal osmotic pressure that is isotonic with blood plasma and therefore do not hydrate as effectively as Gaminate Hydration.

Summary - Gaminate Hydration is a new generation isotonic drink that meets the specific needs of athletes with a focus on health and good form.

With its balanced composition, lack of added sugar and ease of use, it is a product that every mountain lover should consider as an essential part of their diet and hydration strategy.

Author of the text
For twenty years, he has been involved in developing and launching innovative new products for major food companies in Poland and abroad. He is well versed in every stage of this process - from ideation, recipe development and testing, to production technology. At GAMINATE, he is primarily responsible for the entire product area and analytics.


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