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Body water content

Drinking water is just as important for the body as providing it with nutrients from food. The human body needs water in order to function properly, as it is thanks to water that digestive enzymes work optimally, body temperature is regulated and end products of metabolism are eliminated.

What is the correct water content in the body?

The percentage of water content in the body can be as high as 80%. Of course, the total water content of the human body will vary depending on a person's gender and age and may ultimately be as much as a dozen or tens of percent lower. However, this shows how crucial water is for every cell in our body. Hence, we should take care of it and constantly maintain correct water levels in the body.

For example - the percentage of water in the body of young children (newborns) is between 75 and 80 per cent. For an adult, on the other hand, it will be about 55 to 58 per cent (for women) and about 60 to 62 per cent (for men).

How much water to drink per day?

There is no clear answer to this question. It all depends on a number of factors - from ambient temperature to age, weight, gender, physical activity or even humidity. However, a healthy adult should drink between 1.5 and 2 litres of fluids per day.

The amount of water to be taken in is strongly determined by body weight. It is assumed that for one kilogram of body weight, you should drink approximately 0.02 litres of water. With this, you can easily calculate the amount of water you should drink per day depending on your body weight.

family drinking water

Dehydration, or what a water shortage leads to

Dehydration is very dangerous and, in extreme cases, can lead to serious health consequences. Water deficiency results in poorer blood supply to the brain, which translates into an inability to concentrate, focus attention or causes a worse mood.

Much more dangerous to the human condition, however, is extreme dehydration, which can lead to accelerated respiratory rate, convulsions or loss of consciousness. Such symptoms of dehydration are rare, however, and are caused by a prolonged state of dehydration or lack of access to water over a prolonged period.

How do you recognise dehydration?

A good indicator of whether or not we have a water deficiency is the colour of our urine. If it is intensely yellow, this means that our body is dehydrated and we should replenish our water levels.

Studies show that the majority of the population is constantly mildly dehydrated, mainly due to insufficient intake of water or other fluids during the day. Hence, it is worth checking this condition in yourself, all the more so if you have not paid much attention to your body's water levels so far.

What is the role of water in the body?

We have already explained that water is crucial and that inadequate levels result in many unpleasant symptoms. So let's now look at why it is crucial and the many ways in which it supports the body.

Water protects the body from injury. It acts as a kind of shield for the internal organs and, in addition, the synovial fluid in the joints contains water, which facilitates movement and absorbs shocks.

Water is also absolutely crucial for the adequate transport of nutrients, electrolytes and other metabolic products.

Water is essential to the digestive process. Its contribution starts as early as the oral cavity and digestive tract. It is worth knowing that in gastric juice and saliva, water is the main component responsible for the proper functioning of these elements of the body.

The contribution of water is also important when removing metabolic products from the body through urine, sweat and other excretory processes.

Gaminate Hydration - the ideal way to rehydrate your body

The market offers mineral water, spring water, isotonic drinks, juices, beverages and a whole host of other products that often hydrate the body worse than water or do so at a similar level. Gaminate Hydration, on the other hand, is an innovation on a global scale - it is the first isotonic without sugar, which has in its composition all 6 electrolytes and 13 vitamins. As a result, it keeps the body properly hydrated and provides it with essential minerals.

Of great importance for hydration is not only the water itself, but also the electrolytes: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and phosphorus. These are in negligible quantities in ordinary water, just as they are in commercially available isotonic drinks. This is a pity, as they are essential for conducting nerve impulses, maintaining fluid balance or regulating blood pressure.

When creating Gaminate Hydration, we made sure that the product not only provides water, but also all the electrolytes that humans have in their bodies. Hence, our composition includes: 440 mg sodium, 500 mg potassium, 150 mg magnesium, 300 mg calcium, 660 mg chlorine and 105 mg phosphorus. You will not find such a wealth of electrolytes in any bottled water.

All this means that Gaminate Hydration has a BHI (Beverage Hydration Index) at the highest level in the world - 1.42, where water has this index at 1.00. This means that our product hydrates much better than water, but also other drinks that have reached: orange juice (1.25), cola (1.09), lager beer (0.94), coffee (0.89). Interestingly, ordinary isotonic drinks hydrate slightly worse than water, as their BHI is 0.98.

What do the body's bodily fluids and the osmotic pressure in an isotonic drink have in common?

When talking about hydration, it is impossible not to also mention the correct osmotic pressure. It should be the same as that of the body fluids in the human body. This allows all the components of the drink to be absorbed sufficiently quickly and efficiently. At the same time, it has a positive effect on the hydration level of the body, especially if we want to replenish fluids quickly.

Until now, all isotonic drink manufacturers, wanting to get closer to the osmotic pressure of body fluids, have sprinkled the drink with a massive dose of sugar, up to 30g per serving. In the context of hydration, however, sugar is not necessary, and thousands of studies have already been written about its negative effects on the body.

By creating Gaminate Hydration, we have reduced sugar to zero and are the first isotonic that has an osmotic pressure that is the same as that of our body's bodily fluids, while containing no sugar.

Hydration during physical activity

During physical activity, the body's water content decreases dramatically. With sweat, not only water, but also electrolytes are lost, which are no less important. It is therefore important to replenish these deficiencies, as a large loss of water quickly leads to rapid dehydration.

When going to the gym or doing home exercise, most people are mindful of the need to maintain adequate water levels in the body. However, not everyone realises how important the role of water is to the effectiveness of our exercise and muscles. Often a half-litre bottle of water is not enough, let alone mineral-poor drinks.

Hence, in order to maintain adequate water levels in the body, we recommend consuming drinks that, in addition to providing water, will also replenish our lost electrolytes and vitamins. This will make us feel much better and reduce the risk of injury.

Also remember not to take in a lot of water at once. The amount of water in the body will then increase for a short period, as the body will quickly get rid of the excess fluid. Appropriate intervals should therefore be kept between drinking water.

When should you take special care with hydration?

Water is essential for all vital processes in our body. Hence, it is useful to know when it is particularly important to replenish it. It will come as no surprise to anyone that such a situation is physical activity, which we described in the previous headline.

We should also take special care of our hydration when the ambient temperature is high. This is when the body becomes more prone to fluid (water) loss, which can lead to dehydration.

It is therefore important to remember, especially in summer or when travelling to warm countries, that water is absolutely key and we should always have it at hand, in our rucksack or handbag.

water poured into a glass

And let's not forget that minerals are lost during hot weather. Hence, in order to properly hydrate the body, it is important to prudently reach for products that have a lot of minerals in them. Gaminate Hydration has these in abundance, making it great for hydrating and supporting the human body.

Is the tap water drinkable?

The discussion about tap water and whether it poses a threat to human life is often raised in the media. The answer is not at all that simple, as everything in practice depends on what kind of water is in our tap and, more specifically, on its parameters.

Each water supply filters the water so that it is fit for consumption and meets all legal standards. The quality of water may vary from one region of Poland to another, but these are not great deviations from accepted standards.

Unfortunately, there is still a connection and installation on the way to our tap. These final elements on the way to our tap can contaminate the water to such an extent that it is no longer drinkable. It is therefore impossible to give a definite answer to the question in the headline, as it all depends on exactly where we live.

However, it is worth filtering tap water using special bottles or jugs. Then you can be sure that the water is safe to drink and will not have any side effects on your body. If you go 'old school', you may be tempted to boil the water, but this will unfortunately deplete some of the minerals, especially the calcium and magnesium compounds.

In addition, we can send the water from our tap for testing and, if it turns out to be drinkable, we will not even need to filter it. However, it is important to remember to repeat such tests from time to time, as the condition of the water can change over time.


The correct amount of water in the body is extremely important for its proper functioning. We should pay attention to how much water we drink during the day and adjust the number of fluids according to our body weight. This will help us avoid dehydration and its associated effects.

It is important to remember that drinking water alone is not enough and electrolytes, which are only present in small quantities in ordinary water, must also be taken care of. Therefore, Gaminate Hydration is a very good solution for people who are looking for an optimum rehydration drink that is additionally not covered in sugar. Most of our body is made up of water, so do not forget to replenish it correctly.

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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