
Hydration of the body

Hydrating the body is just as important as getting the right amount of nutrients from food. But how to do this? What to look for and which products to choose? It turns out that this is not as simple as it might seem.

Why is adequate hydration important?

Our body cannot produce everything on its own. Hence, it is important to ensure that the body has the right amount of water as well as minerals and nutrients. This will ensure that no unwanted side effects occur and that we enjoy a lack of health problems.

If the body is not properly hydrated, this can result in headaches, dry mouth or general weakness, among other things. We will write more about the effects of dehydration later in this text!

What are the functions of water in the body?

Humans are mostly made up of water, hence it is crucial for our bodies. Water is found in all body fluids, organs, tissues and cells. It is the basic building block of our body.

First of all, water regulates our body temperature through thermoregulatory processes, such as sweating. On top of this, it helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, which prevents dryness and wrinkles.

Water is very important for transporting nutrients and removing toxins and metabolic products from the body. It also supports metabolic functions such as digestion and facilitates the absorption of nutrients.

How much should we drink per day?

The body's water requirements are strongly influenced by our way of life, age, gender and weight. It is assumed that approximately 0.02 litres of water should be drunk per kilogram of adult body weight.

So, with simple maths, you can calculate how much fluid you need to take in throughout the day to ensure your body is properly hydrated. Of course, this figure will not always be the same, as it is influenced by many factors, but it is worth not going below the value shown to you by the calculator.

When should you take special care to hydrate your body?

We mentioned a moment ago that we will not always need as much or as little water. This value can increase dramatically depending on several factors. However, two are particularly key - physical activity and high temperatures.

Physical activity

We will not discover America by stating that drinking water during physical activity is insanely important. During sport, our body sweats and therefore loses fluids. The more intensive the workout, the quicker the body becomes dehydrated. It is therefore always a good idea to have something to drink with you so that you can replenish your fluids between sets or matches.

We should also remember that proper hydration during physical activity will help us avoid injury and better regenerate our muscles. It will therefore have a positive impact on our training and our well-being afterwards.

High air temperatures

Hydration is particularly important in summer, when temperatures can exceed even 30℃. The heat causes us to sweat excessively and this, as with sports, increases our perspiration and causes the body to lose much more fluid than normal.

Hence why you hear so much during the hot season about drinking water and keeping your body hydrated. The recommendations didn't come out of nowhere, maintaining water-electrolyte balance is insanely important, so it's a good idea to always have a bottle of mineral water nearby.


We must also take special care to ensure that the body is well hydrated during many illnesses and diseases. We are talking here about both more serious problems (kidney disease) and temporary problems (diarrhoea). Water loss contributes to the deterioration of our health, which is already in poor condition during illnesses. By drinking water, we can not so much cure ourselves as prevent more serious symptoms or worsening of the disease.

The best hydrating drinks on the market

On the market, apart from water, we will encounter many products that hydrate worse, better or as well as it does. In order to show how well a particular beverage hydrates, a so-called Beverage Hydration Index (BHI) is used. A given beverage is juxtaposed against pure water, which is the reference standard, and its BHI is 1.00. Logically, the higher the index, the better the beverage hydrates than water, and the lower, the worse.

Starting from the bottom - coffee has a BHI of 0.89 because it contains caffeine, which when drunk in large quantities has a diuretic effect that adversely affects hydration. Lager beer has a BHI of 0.94 and regular isotonic drinks 0.98. So what quenches thirst and is better in terms of hydration than water?

Objective: to rehydrate the body

It turns out that tea, which is more likely to be found in everyone's home, rehydrates better than pure water. It has a BHI of 1.05 and orange juice has a BHI of 1.25. But far behind the other products is Gaminate Hydration, the world's best hydrating drink, which has a BHI of 1.42! This is a factor of 42% better than water, meaning that Gaminate Hydration is second to none in hydrating the body.

Gaminate Hydration hydration

What is Gaminate Hydration?

Gaminate Hydration is the world's first sugar-free isotonic that has all six electrolytes and 13 vitamins. On top of this, one 700 ml serving is only 19 kcal. It is not only a thirst-quenching product, but also an ideal solution for those concerned about proper hydration.

No other isotonic on the market has such a well-composed composition. The best way to see the difference is to compare Gaminate Hydration with any other product in the same market category. The advantage of Gaminate Hydration is usually several times greater both in terms of the amount of vitamins and electrolytes and their content per serving.

The drink is regularly used by professional athletes as well as amateurs, as it is available to everyone and comes in three flavours: raspberry, lemon and exotic fruit. Gaminate Hydration can be drunk by anyone, both the elderly and children. It will be a great product to replenish fluids during workouts, high temperatures, diarrhoea or any other time when hydration is an absolute priority for you.

Electrolytes - why are they important?

Taking care of the body's hydration does not end with simply providing it with the right amount of fluids throughout the day. Electrolytes, of which water has relatively few, also play an important role. They are responsible for normal blood pressure, proper heart function or proper tension in cell membranes, as well as transporting nutrients. There are six electrolytes in the human body and they are: salt ions (sodium, chlorine), phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and potassium.

We can take electrolytes with food or drinks, but we do not always 'accidentally' eat in such a way as to replenish any deficiencies. Gaminate Hydration therefore contains all electrolytes in sensible doses. This way, the body will get the necessary minerals and we will not have to look at the composition of every meal we prepare.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

A lack of proper hydration of the body can lead to a number of negative effects, which will be variously intensified (depending on the degree of dehydration). When the water content of our body is slightly reduced, we may feel thirsty and have a dry mouth.

During moderate dehydration, we will have accelerated breathing, low blood pressure, headaches, dizziness and we will also notice an increase in body temperature.

In more severe cases, convulsions and syncope may occur, and complications associated with prolonged dehydration, e.g. renal failure, may occur.

How do you check your hydration level?

We already know that hydration of the body is extremely important for its proper functioning. So how can we check for ourselves if our body has a need for water or not? Very simply, just look at the colour of our urine. If it is dark yellow, then we should drink more, as this is a sign of too little fluid in our body.

Gaminate Hydration - the man who drinks water


One half-litre bottle of water throughout the day is definitely not enough for proper hydration. It is true that it is a good idea to start the day with a glass of water, but don't forget to take care of your fluids in the hours that follow. When it comes to water requirements, a lot depends on our body weight, physical activity or the temperature outside the window.

If you notice any symptoms of dehydration, quickly reach for something to drink so that your body is not deficient. This will make us feel much better and prevent many ailments.

Remember that drinks are mainly responsible for hydrating the body, but fruit and vegetables can also improve our water balance. So don't skimp on fresh fruit; it makes a great addition to your daily diet!

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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