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In the collective consciousness of various communities, certain 'truths' are often ingrained, which are widely believed and not debated, and which often, unfortunately, have little to do with the truth.

We are all familiar with examples of urban legends like the black ox, dog meat in Vietnamese restaurants, etc., but fortunately in civilised societies such legends are de-legitimised over time and no one takes them seriously anymore.

The same must eventually happen in relation to Taurine, which is still a kind of 'black ox' among 'chemical ingredients', but which is, after all, a compound without which (and supplied in large quantities) our body is unable to function.

The only 'offence' of taurine due to which this negative perception drags on is the fact that it was added to a certain energy drink....

Nomen omen, its name comes from the Latin word Taurus, meaning Bull, so it was "no doubt" the inspiration for the creators of the drink in question, and therefore it can have nothing to do with health after all... 😉

But back to the facts - it is worth knowing that taurine accounts for as much as approx. 1/1000 of our body weight, i.e. several tens of grams of taurine in each of us, despite the fact that it is not a direct building block of our tissues.

These tens of grams of taurine are still actively involved in the various reactions taking place in many of our body's key organs (liver, heart, eyes, muscles and finally brain).

What is very important is that your body can only produce a small amount of taurine on its own; the rest must be supplied externally in the form of food, and its natural sources are in particular meat, fish, whey, lentils and peas.
Therefore, superimposing our current lifestyle and the diet of the average person, it is relatively easy to lead to a significant deficit of taurine in the organism, which in turn may have a truly destructive effect on its functioning. This is why, in many cases, additional supplementation with this ingredient is becoming increasingly necessary, particularly for those subjected to considerable physical exertion, as during exercise the body uses it up and is unable to replenish its stores on its own.

However, let us focus on the organ that is of particular interest in our context, namely the brain and the effect of taurine on its functioning and, in particular, on its cognitive processes.

Taurine is a key compound in the vitally important process of rebuilding, creating new neurons and keeping existing ones in good condition. It is the only compound capable of rescuing dying cells and restoring proper inter-neuronal communication, so we are unable to keep our brain fit and functioning without ensuring it has adequate levels of taurine.

Just how important taurine is for brain development can be seen from the fact that it is an increasingly common ingredient in infant formulae, precisely to ensure that babies get the right amount of it at a time when their brains are experiencing extremely intensive development.

The process of learning and memory formation generally involves permanent changes to the structure of neurons, and this process cannot take place quickly and efficiently enough without correspondingly high levels of taurine in the brain.

In fact, ongoing research shows that the long-held view that the brain shrinks and dies with age may not necessarily be true, and that it is possible to restore the brain to full function with the right taurine supplementation.

Finally, it is worth mentioning that in recent years we have found more and more scientific confirmation of the thesis that taurine improves the overall health of the body and also helps to fight obesity.

This can be tangibly confirmed by a very interesting fact: the highest proportion of taurine in the diet is found among the inhabitants of the Japanese island of Okinawa, which also has the highest percentage of the population over 100 years of age 🙂 .

And that is what we wish you all!


For your information - in one serving of GAMINATE you will find 1000mg of taurine

Author of the text
For twenty years, he has been involved in developing and launching innovative new products for major food companies in Poland and abroad. He is well versed in every stage of this process - from ideation, recipe development and testing, to production technology. At GAMINATE, he is primarily responsible for the entire product area and analytics.


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