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What does a dehydrated person look like?

Humans have a very complex body that constantly needs nutrients and fluids in the right quantities. Correct hydration is key to avoid dehydration, which is a considerable danger for us. In this text, we will try to give you an idea of what a dehydrated person looks like and what to look out for in order to avoid this condition.

What is the water content of the body?

The percentage of water content in the body can be as high as 80%. Of course, the total water content of the human body will vary depending on a person's gender and age and may ultimately be as much as a dozen or tens of percent lower. However, this shows how crucial water is for every cell in our body. Hence, we should take care of it and constantly maintain correct water levels in the body.

For example - the percentage of water in the body of young children (newborns) is between 75 and 80 per cent. For an adult, on the other hand, it will be about 55 to 58 per cent (for women) and about 60 to 62 per cent (for men).

What does a dehydrated person look like?

Daily water requirements

The amount of water we should take in per day is determined by a number of factors including ambient temperature, gender, weight or physical activity. Hence, it is impossible to indicate a specific amount of fluids, as it all depends on the individual and their lifestyle.

It is officially accepted that you should drink around 0.02 litres of water per kilogram of body weight. So let's say we weigh 70 kg. In this case, we should drink 1.4 litres of water per day. However, let's not forget any factors that may alter our fluid intake requirements.

When does the risk of dehydration increase?

Dehydration is fostered by many factors that are not always within our control. Therefore, it is useful to know in which situations a person particularly needs to hydrate. Increased thirst often goes hand in hand with an increased risk of dehydration. When do we feel it? At the gym, during illness or in hot weather, among others.

Physical activity

The risk of dehydration increases during any physical activity. It does not matter here whether we are training at the gym, at home or participating in a sports competition. It is natural for most people to carry a bottle of water with them when exercising to replenish fluids lost through physical activity. This habit is a good one and it is worth making sure we have something to drink with us before we start training.


We must take special care to ensure that the body is well hydrated during many illnesses and diseases. We are talking about both more serious problems (kidney disease) and temporary problems (diarrhoea). Water loss contributes to the deterioration of our health, which is already in poor condition during illnesses. By drinking water, we can not so much cure ourselves as prevent more serious symptoms or worsening of the disease.

High temperatures

Every summer during hot weather, there is a lot of talk in the media about taking care of proper hydration. The loss of water in the body is directly proportional to the increase in temperature outside the window. Therefore, in summer or during holidays in warm countries, it is important to stay hydrated at all times and to carry even a small bottle of water with you so that you can quickly rehydrate your body at the first sign of dehydration.

What essentially is dehydration?

Dehydration is when the body loses more fluid than it gets. In such a state, our body does not have enough water to function properly, and it is necessary for many vital processes, such as transporting nutrients, regulating body temperature or maintaining normal blood pressure. As is not difficult to guess - disorders of water metabolism lead to many negative consequences, e.g. kidney failure.

Types of dehydration

Dehydration is divided into different types depending on the cause and severity. The three main types include:

Hypotonic dehydration

This is a situation in which the body loses more electrolytes than water, negatively affecting the electrolyte balance. This type of dehydration can occur, for example, during prolonged diarrhoea or vomiting.

Isotonic dehydration

This is the most common type of dehydration, in which the body loses both water and electrolytes in similar proportions. The cause can be excessive sweating, lack of fluid intake or infections.

Hypertonic dehydration

In this case, the body loses more water than electrolytes, leading to an increase in plasma electrolyte concentrations. It can occur, for example, in cases of excessive salt intake with limited water intake.

Causes of dehydration

The main cause of dehydration is insufficient fluid intake. Many people make the mistaken assumption that they should drink when they feel thirsty. When this happens, it is often too late and the body even begs for water. The aforementioned illnesses, high temperatures and physical activity also have a great impact on dehydration.

Drinks that cause dehydration also have a great impact on the body's normal functioning. These include coffee and alcohol. These are so-called diuretics, i.e. substances that increase the excretion of fluids by the body, which leads to dehydration.

Dehydration - symptoms and effects

We already know the main causes of dehydration. It is therefore worth finding out what the symptoms of dehydration are and what its consequences are. These will vary depending on the degree of water loss in the body; obviously, the greater the water loss, the more serious the consequences will be.

Dehydration by 1-2%

The first symptoms of dehydration are quite subtle and include dryness of the mucous membranes or less frequent urination.

Dehydration by 3-5%

Slight dehydration refers to situations where the symptoms are already more obvious. In addition to increased dryness in the mouth or throat, symptoms of dehydration of this degree will result in loss of skin elasticity and weakness and fatigue.

Dehydration of the body by 6-9%

If dehydration occurs at this level, symptoms such as dizziness, headaches, an intense feeling of thirst or a faster heartbeat will occur. There will also be a marked decrease in the amount of urine produced.

Dehydration of 10% or more

In situations of severe dehydration, serious symptoms will occur, which in extreme cases can be life-threatening. Symptoms will include headaches, dizziness, muscle cramps, rapid and shallow breathing, loss of consciousness and possible collapse. Symptoms of dehydration at such high levels are dangerous and we should consult a doctor if they occur.


Treatment of dehydration

Treatment of dehydration depends on the severity of the dehydration and the cause that led to it. For mild dehydration, home remedies will be 100 per cent effective, while very severe dehydration may even require hospitalisation.

The main treatment for dehydration is to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes. It is also very important to avoid drinks that can worsen our hydration status, i.e. alcohol or drinks with a high caffeine content.

How to do a dehydration test?

If you have noticed signs of dehydration in yourself and want to check if you should take care of your hydration? Just look at the colour of your urine. If it is intensely yellow, this means that your body is dehydrated and we should replenish fluids as soon as possible.

Adequate hydration

We have told each other about what the signs of dehydration are and how to treat them. However, it is worth knowing that in the context of hydration, water is not the best option. First of all, it does not have the right osmotic pressure and is poor in electrolytes. This is why professional athletes choose isotonic drinks instead of water.

However, it turns out that they too do not rehydrate sensationally due to their low amount and electrolyte content (but have the right osmotic pressure). So what should we choose if we want maximum effective and fast hydration?

Gaminate Hydration - the best hydrating drink on the market

Gaminate Hydration is the first isotonic on the market that contains no sugar and has an optimal osmotic pressure. At the same time, the product formula contains all 6 electrolytes and 13 vitamins, and one 700 ml serving is only 19 calories. The composition is therefore several times better than isotonic drinks on the market, both in terms of the number of electrolytes and vitamins and their content.

The product has undergone clinical trials, which were carried out by scientists from the AWF in Katowice. These proved that it is currently the best hydrating drink on the market that is available for regular consumption. Only special solutions from pharmacies, which are used in cases of severe dehydration, rehydrate better. However, these cannot be taken on a regular basis and the taste is also a rather questionable issue. Meanwhile, Gaminate Hydration will not cause immediate vomiting reflexes and the product is available in three flavours: lemon, raspberry and exotic fruit.

Gaminate Hydration a hydration index

The Bevarage Hydration Index, or hydration index, is used to show how effectively a beverage hydrates relative to pure water, which is the reference standard. The hydration index for pure water is 1.00 and the higher a beverage has this index, the better it hydrates and similarly, the lower it is, the worse.

The adjusted hydration index for Gaminate Hydration is as high as 1.42! To compare and illustrate the scale - coffee's score is 0.89 (i.e. it hydrates worse than water), tea records 1.05 and cola 1.09.

But what about isotonic drinks? Here the answer is not so simple, as much depends on the exact isotonic in question. They vary in composition, but each will have a result a few hundredths lower or higher than water.

In an earlier section of the text, we mentioned that alcohol dehydrates the body. To confirm this, we add that the hydration index for lager beer is 0.94, which is six hundredths less than pure water.

What rehydrates best?

The Hydration Index gives a very good indication of how a particular drink affects our hydration. Consuming water will not be as effective as consuming tea or Gaminate Hydration, whose score, as a reminder, is as high as 1.42. This makes it great for those who are physically active, in high temperatures or for anyone who wants to take care of their hydration.

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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