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What hydrates the body best?

If you're a physically active person or simply concerned about hydrating your body, you're probably wondering - what hydrates the body best? Sparkling water? Plain water? Beverages? How about fruit juices? There are plenty of products out there, but in terms of hydration, there are big differences.

Why is hydration important?

Hydration of the body is very important for the proper functioning of our body. Water has many important functions, such as transporting nutrients and oxygen to cells, maintaining electrolyte balance and supporting metabolic processes, among others. Hence, it is important to remember to consume sufficient amounts of fluids on a regular basis to keep the body hydrated.

What can dehydration lead to?

We should take in between 1.5 and 2 litres of water every day. This will ensure proper hydration of the body, but of course the exact amount of fluids depends on our physical conditions, physical activity or ambient temperature.

But what if we fail (over a long period of time) to adequately hydrate the body? Many side effects occur, depending on the level of dehydration. Of course you will feel thirsty, but also, among other things, sluggishness, weakness or dry mouth. At the same time, dehydration results in less urine production, as the body retains the water it simply needs. It is therefore clear that drinking the right amount of fluids is essential.

Is drinking water enough?

It turns out that drinking water, even in large quantities, is not sufficient for the body in terms of hydration. Still water, carbonated water or any other type of water does not have in its composition a high amount of electrolytes, which are necessary to effectively hydrate the body.

Of course, it is not that we should stop drinking water, but it is worth remembering that drinking water alone is not enough. Our body also needs nutrients, which are not abundant in plain water.

woman drinking water

Does milk rehydrate the body?

In terms of hydration, it is also worth mentioning milk, which contains lactose - a natural sugar found in the milk of most mammals. Milk contains many essential components for the body, such as sodium and potassium, but also protein and fat, which, combined with lactose, help to slow down the emptying of the digestive tract and keep water in the body for longer.

It is also worth mentioning that milk aids the digestion process in the small intestine. Furthermore, whole milk, despite its lactose content, often has a lower sugar content compared to some drinks.

On top of this, milk is very calorific and therefore causes a slower emptying of the stomach (or, to be more precise, of the intestines) and, consequently, a slower elimination of water and electrolytes in the urine. Despite all its advantages, milk is not a beverage that can fully replace water in an adult's diet

Isotonic drinks and body hydration

Isotonic drinks are a well-known solution for anyone struggling with inadequate hydration. They work well both on hot days and during workouts. However, it is important to know that isotonic drinks differ significantly in their composition. Hence, some hydrate better than water, while others do the opposite or the differences are marginal.

Gaminate Hydration - the best hydrating drink on the market

Gaminate Hydration is a globally innovative product that hydrates the body much better than water or standard isotonic drinks. This is all due to its composition containing all 6 electrolytes and 13 vitamins. In addition, the drink has the right osmotic pressure despite the lack of sugar in its composition.

Up to now, all drinks have built up osmotic pressure with sugar, and quite a lot of it, around 30g per serving. For the majority of the population, even small amounts of sugar are not something necessary in isotonic drinks. In fact, sugar is responsible for a whole host of metabolic diseases. It should therefore be limited, as even small amounts can cause problems in the body.

Nutrients are very important

As we mentioned in an earlier paragraph - water is important, but it is not the only thing that counts when it comes to hydrating the body. Equally important are electrolytes and vitamins, which ordinary fizzy drinks or various types of water do not contain in abundance. Gaminate Hydration, on the other hand, contains all six electrolytes found in the body. In addition, there are 13 vitamins, which is several times more than other hydration drinks.

Thanks to this electrolyte and vitamin content, our product can also replace oral rehydration preparations, which are used when there is a risk of dehydration.

BHI - or how well a drink hydrates relative to water

How do you find out what the best hydrating drinks are? The Bevarage Hydration Index (BHI) can be used for this purpose. In a nutshell, it allows you to examine to what extent the drinks in question are effective in maintaining the body's fluid balance compared to pure water, which is the reference standard here.

Research has shown that Gaminate Hydration is the best hydrating drink on the market, with a BHI score as high as 1.42. This makes the product hydrate the body much better than water, which has a score of 1.

Ranking of the best hydrating drinks

Using the BHI, we also examined other products that hydrate or dehydrate the body well. The ranking of the best hydrating drinks is opened by Gaminate Hydration with a BHI of 1.42. Orange juice has the same index at 1.25. Cola records a score of 1.09 and slightly worse is tea with a score of 1.05.

What, on the other hand, rehydrates less well than water and increases our thirst? This includes coffee, which has a BHI of 0.89. It also turns out that ordinary isotonic drinks hydrate slightly worse than water, as their BHI is 0.98.

Proper hydration during exercise

Replenishing fluids during physical activity is extremely important. During training, our body sweats, which causes it to lose water and electrolytes. Their levels are absolutely crucial, which is why we should always carry a bottle of water or (and we strongly encourage you to do so) Gaminate Hydration, which rehydrates better than water, milk or juices.

Also remember to drink water all day, not just during or shortly after training. If you suddenly take in a large amount of water, your body will have an excess of water, causing it to quickly get rid of it. However, we want to retain this water for as long as possible. Hence, we should be mindful of the appropriate intervals at which we drink water - this is particularly important advice for those who have only recently become physically active and do not yet know much about hydration.

Can you drink tap water?

Every now and then, you may hear a discussion raised about tap water. How is it in the end, is it safe to drink? Of course, it all depends on the water supply system in question - the water will vary from region to region in Poland. However, each water supply system filters it appropriately so that the water is fit for consumption and meets all legal standards.

water poured into a glass

Should it therefore be feared? Yes and no. Although the water must meet the parameters and be drinkable at the outlet of the water supply system, on the way to our tap there is still a connection and installation at our place of residence. At this stage, the condition of the water can deteriorate significantly or remain unchanged. So the answer is - it depends on where we live and our installations. If you want to drink a glass of water, you can boil it first to be safe and secure. You can also send your tap water for testing, in which case you can be absolutely sure.

What hydrates the body best?

We hope that this text has helped you answer the question in the headline and made you aware that hydration does not end with water alone. In terms of hydration, water is important, however, electrolytes or isotonic osmotic pressure also come into play, which water does not have. Hence, the next time the temperatures are high outside the window or during an intense workout, we hope that Gaminate Hydration will prove to be a better choice for you than carbonated water, plain water or juices of various kinds.

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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