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When to drink electrolytes?

Electrolytes are very important for the proper functioning of our body. Nevertheless, many people are not fully aware of what electrolytes are and what they are responsible for. However, this knowledge is crucial, especially if we want to maintain a good, balanced diet.

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are chemicals that are crucial for the body to function properly. They are found in the blood and tissue fluids, among others. There are six electrolytes in the human body and they are: salt ions (sodium, chlorine), potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Each of these is important and the correct amount should be taken care of. This will help maintain a balanced electrolyte-water balance.

What role do electrolytes play in the body?

Electrolytes are responsible for a number of vital bodily functions. Among others, they support the production of hydrochloric acid or are responsible for normal blood pressure. In addition, calcium, sodium and potassium are involved in the conduction of nerve impulses.

Electrolytes also support proper heart function and myocardial function, and maintain proper tension in cell membranes. It is also important to remember that they are important for hydration of the body, and deficiencies can result in fainting in extreme cases.

When to drink electrolytes?

Electrolytes should be consumed regularly in order to maintain the balance of the water-electrolyte balance. Particular attention should be paid to them in the event of fluid loss, e.g. during intense exercise, diarrhoea or fever.

We should also place emphasis on electrolytes during hot weather. This is also when we lose a great deal of water and mineral salts. It is estimated to be around 1.5 litres per day in high temperatures. However, this figure will vary depending on our physical conditions and the amount of time spent in such temperatures. However, let's have it in the back of our minds on holiday or during the summer that it is a good idea to take care of electrolytes and hydration during hot weather.

Drinking electrolytes should also be remembered when taking diuretics. They cause an intensive removal of fluids from our body and therefore also of electrolytes. This can affect our immune system, which is particularly dangerous during illness or weakness.

When to drink electrolytes

Causes of electrolyte deficiency in the body

Electrolyte deficiencies can lead to a variety of health problems. Each of them performs key functions, hence too low a level of even one of the electrolytes will be felt quite acutely.

Magnesium deficiency leads to problems with muscle function, including heart disorders. Muscle pain in various parts of the body will also occur, as well as muscle cramps and headaches.

A potassium deficiency will also cause muscle pains and cramps and affect the body's acid-base balance, which affects many metabolic processes.

Sodium deficiency can lead to dehydration, as the body's water-electrolyte balance depends mainly on sodium. Paradoxically, a lack of sodium can be caused by drinking too much pure water (in which case its concentration in the body's fluids is dangerously reduced). It also leads to cardiovascular disorders.

Chlorine deficiency will have a negative impact on the body's acid-base balance. It will also cause digestive disorders and reduced secretion of mucus, which has a protective function in the digestive tract and respiratory system.

Phosphorus deficiency can lead to nervous system disorders - muscle weakness, convulsions, lassitude and, in extreme cases, even impaired consciousness. The conduction of nerve impulses will also be adversely affected by a deficiency.

Calcium deficiency will manifest itself in cardiac and blood clotting disorders as well as weakened bones and an increased risk of osteoporosis, especially in the elderly. As with phosphorus - its deficiencies will adversely affect the conduction of nerve impulses.

It is evident that electrolyte deficiency is very detrimental to the proper functioning of the body. Hence the importance of maintaining correct electrolyte levels in the body. Their deficiency leads to a number of other effects, but we have focused on listing the most important ones.

Electrolyte deficiency - symptoms

Electrolyte deficiencies manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the type of electrolyte and the degree of deficit. First and foremost, dehydration may occur, which will be felt through dry mouth, worsening of mood and dizziness.

Electrolyte deficiencies can also manifest as digestive disorders - digestive problems, nausea and vomiting. Muscle cramps and, in more severe cases, convulsions and unconsciousness are also very common.

Testing electrolyte concentrations in the human body

The concentration of electrolytes in the body can be checked by analysing a blood sample. This test will tell us whether we are sometimes deficient in electrolytes. It is worth knowing that such a test is often carried out as part of routine blood tests. In the event of abnormalities, the doctor will certainly inform us and advise us to supplement the electrolytes.

Tests are often carried out in situations where electrolyte disturbances are suspected. The results can help in the diagnosis and subsequent monitoring of the condition and progress of treatment for various conditions.

Excess electrolytes - is it a risk?

Let's turn the situation around - let's say our diet is rich in electrolytes. Can high concentrations of them in our body be dangerous? Is it even possible to overdose on electrolytes? It turns out that yes, electrolytes can be overdosed. While a low level of electrolytes is dangerous, an excess of electrolytes is also not beneficial to the body.

Electrolyte overdose can occur as a result of excessive intake of supplements, uncontrolled medication or metabolic disorders. The concentration of electrolytes in our body is then much higher, which can lead to hypertension, loss of sensation in the limbs, the formation of kidney stones or fluid retention in the body.

It is therefore not worth overdoing it one way or the other. The proper functioning of the body depends on the content of specific components at the right level - both excess and deficiency are dangerous and lead to many negative effects.

How to replenish electrolytes?

Electrolytes can be replenished with food or fluids, as well as with dietary supplements or medication. Products rich in electrolytes include fruit and vegetables, which are found in everyone's daily diet - bananas, tomatoes or potatoes. Almonds, buckwheat groats, wholemeal bread or hazelnuts also have a high electrolyte content.

In terms of drinks, coconut water, milk, buttermilk or tomato juice work well. Isotonic drinks are also a good option, although these do not always have a good electrolyte content in their composition.

Gaminate Hydration - isotonic with all 6 electrolytes

Gaminate Hydration is an innovative product in the isotonic market in many respects. First and foremost - it contains no sugar and a single serving provides all six key electrolytes: sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, chlorine and phosphorus. This is several times more than products in the same market category. This makes it great for hydrating the body and regulating electrolyte levels.

Gaminate Hydration

On top of this, Gaminate Hydration contains 13 vitamins - all 10 of the B group, C, D3 and K2. Instead of sugar, the ingredients include natural sweeteners - erythritol and stevia.

The best hydrating drink according to the BHI index

Gaminate Hydration stands out from other isotonic drinks. It has undergone clinical trials that have shown it to be the best hydrating drink in the world. The BHI is an index used to determine the effectiveness of different drinks in rehydrating the body. It measures how effective a drink is at maintaining the body's fluid balance compared to pure water, which is the reference standard here.

Water has a BHI of 1.00, while Gaminate Hydration has a BHI as high as 1.42! In comparison, tea has a BHI of 1.05, cola 1.09, coffee 0.89 and regular isotonic drinks around 1.00. Slightly higher values are recorded for orange juice (1.25) and milk (1.32). However, even these products perform poorly against Gaminate Hydration.

Only solutions used for diarrhoea, for example, and available in pharmacies (around 1.5) have a higher BHI. What is important, however, is that they cannot be drunk every day. They are only used in special cases when the body is extremely dehydrated. Gaminate Hydration, on the other hand, can be drunk every day, at any time of the day or night - whatever is needed! There are currently three flavours on offer: exotic fruit, raspberry and lemon. So there should be something for everyone.

Gaminate Hydration versus classic isotonic drinks

Gaminate Hydration stands out significantly from the isotonic drinks that have been on the market so far. First of all - it has all 6 electrolytes and 13 vitamins in its composition. No competing product has such an advanced combination.

What's more, in creating Gaminate Hydration, we were the first in the world to achieve the right osmotic pressure without the use of sugar, with which isotonic drinks from shop shelves are heavily laden. As a result, our product is safer for the body and supports it much better.

What basically is osmotic pressure and why is it in isotonic drinks? In a nutshell, the osmotic pressure in an isotonic drink should be the same as that in human body fluids. This allows all the ingredients to be absorbed quickly and efficiently enough.

It is also worth noting the calories per serving. There are only 19 calories in Gaminate Hydration, whereas there are often more than 100 calories in standard isotonic drinks. We strongly invite you to compare our composition with any isotonic drink, then the difference will be most noticeable and clear.

Can you drink electrolytes every day?

The answer to the question in the headline is determined by our need for electrolytes. Their deficiency is dangerous and overdosing is relatively difficult and rarely occurs. Hence, as much as possible we can replenish electrolytes on a daily basis, for example by consuming Gaminate Hydration, which will provide all six and prevent dehydration.

Man drinking water

Do we need more electrolytes if we sweat a lot?

Excessive sweating can lead to electrolyte disturbances. Along with sweat, our body loses fluids and with them electrolytes. Therefore, it is important to pay more attention to them. Sweating can be strongly influenced by physical exertion. The more intense the exercise, the greater the electrolyte requirement. Therefore, if you are working out at the gym, running or exercising at home, remember that water alone is not sufficient for proper hydration.

Plain water is very poor in electrolytes. It is therefore particularly important to replenish electrolytes in addition to it, whether in the form of a meal or a drink that contains them in the right amount. This will ensure that we retain the right amount of water and minerals in the body and do not lead to electrolyte deficiency.

It is for this reason that all athletes do not use ordinary water during training, tournaments or matches, but isotonic drinks that better support their bodies. On top of this, adequate hydration helps muscle recovery and reduces the risk of injury, which is absolutely crucial for athletes, after all, no one wants to be separated from their passion for weeks or months.

Drinking electrolytes is crucial for the body

We hope that this text has helped you understand how to protect yourself from electrolyte deficiencies. Drinking and consuming them is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous, immune or cardiovascular systems.

A great solution because of its composition is Gaminate Hydration, which has all six electrolytes, while being sugar-free and having the osmotic pressure at the right level. Our product can be a great solution if your body sweats a lot and loses a lot of fluids, or if you simply want to improve your athletic performance.

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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