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Can electrolytes be drunk overnight?

Electrolytes are crucial for the body to function properly. Despite this, many people are unaware of exactly what electrolytes are and what they are responsible for. Deficiencies in electrolytes can lead to serious problems, hence the importance of being aware of them and taking them in the right quantities.

What are electrolytes?

Electrolytes are chemicals that are crucial for the body to function properly. They are found in the blood and tissue fluids, among others. There are six electrolytes in the human body and they are: salt ions (sodium, chlorine), potassium, magnesium, calcium and phosphorus. Each of these is important and the correct amount should be taken care of. This will help maintain a balanced water and electrolyte balance.

What role do electrolytes play in the body?

Electrolytes are responsible for a number of important actions in the body. Among others, they support the production of hydrochloric acid or are responsible for normal blood pressure. In addition, calcium, sodium and potassium enable the conduction of nerve impulses.

Electrolytes also support proper heart function and myocardial function, and maintain proper tension in cell membranes. It is also important to remember that they are important for hydration, and electrolyte deficiencies can result in fainting in extreme cases.

woman drinking Gaminate

Symptoms of electrolyte deficiency

Electrolyte deficiency manifests itself in many different ways, and it all depends on the severity of the deficiency and the type of electrolyte we require. For this reason, symptoms can range from dry mouth to muscle cramps and even unconsciousness.

The proper functioning of the body depends on, among other things, proper electrolyte levels, hence any water-electrolyte imbalance is very dangerous.

Electrolyte deficiency - what is the risk?

Let us begin the discussion of each electrolyte with calcium. Its deficiencies will manifest themselves in disorders of normal heart function, blood clotting, and bone fractures may also occur through calcium deficiency. Its deficiencies can also cause problems in the conduction of nerve impulses.

Phosphorus deficiency will make our muscles weaken, which can lead to convulsions. In extreme cases, disorders of consciousness can also occur.

Chlorine deficiency will result in a decrease in the secretion of mucus, which is important for the protection of the digestive tract or respiratory system. Digestion will also be impaired.

Sodium deficiency will increase the risk of dehydration, as our body's water and electrolyte balance depends mainly on this electrolyte. Deficiencies also lead to cardiovascular disorders.

A potassium deficiency will cause muscle pains and cramps and negatively affect the maintenance of normal blood pressure. It will also cause tingling in the limbs, which will certainly impair your wellbeing.

As with potassium, a magnesium deficiency will cause muscle cramps, but also heart rhythm disturbances and headaches. On top of this, muscle pains in various parts of the body can occur.

How do we lose electrolytes?

We have already told ourselves that electrolyte deficiency leads to very dangerous consequences for our body. So when do we lose electrolytes? This usually has to do with physiological processes, diet and physical activity.

Some electrolytes are lost naturally with sweat or urine. Deficiencies will occur more rapidly with the use of diuretics, for example. We have to take care of electrolytes especially during specific diets, but also during "normal" nutrition. For this reason, it is not advisable to make a diet based on guesswork or conjecture; it is much better to ask an expert for help on this subject.

Interestingly, electrolyte loss is also influenced by stress, which, by affecting the hormonal functioning of the body, also directly affects electrolyte loss.

When are we particularly vulnerable to electrolyte loss?

We should pay particularly close attention to electrolyte levels in the body during hot weather, illness and physical activity. These are also the situations in which it is easiest and quickest to expose oneself to deficiencies.

During hot weather, the body increases sweat production, which leads to an increased loss of electrolytes, mainly sodium and potassium. When temperatures are high outside the window, our body tries to regulate the temperature and thus we sweat more heavily than normal.

Speaking of high temperatures, we must also not forget about intense physical exercise, which is not advisable during them. Why? Mainly because doing sport intensifies the secretion of sweat, which is already running off our bodies due to the temperature. This leads to express dehydration and loss of electrolytes. However, in the case of ordinary training even in winter, we are also at risk of rapid drainage of electrolytes from our body. To prevent this, it is a good idea to drink electrolytes in the form of various drinks.

Can electrolytes be drunk daily and overnight?

We have established that we need electrolytes. However, at what frequency can they be taken. Can electrolytes be drunk daily? Or once every few days, but in larger doses? The answer is simple - electrolytes can be drunk daily, as keeping them in the right proportions is key to maintaining electrolyte balance.

Electrolytes can be found in water, isotonic drinks, juices or dietary supplements. We should also remember that we can replenish them from food; it is not necessary to take them in liquid form. Electrolyte replenishment is particularly important, for example, during the summer, when hot weather causes significant electrolyte loss. It is then no problem to drink drinks rich in electrolytes even on a daily basis.

There is also nothing to prevent us from drinking electrolyte drinks at night - immediately before bedtime or some time before it. This will not harm us in any way, nor will it hinder the process of falling asleep itself.

Can electrolytes be drunk on an empty stomach?

We can easily drink electrolytes on an empty stomach, however, it is always worth bearing in mind that if we are consuming, for example, specialised electrolyte supplements, we must follow the manufacturer's instructions on the packaging or leaflet.

Is it possible to overdose on electrolytes?

Electrolytes just like any other substance can be overdosed. The proper functioning of the body depends on adequate electrolyte levels - a deviation one way or the other is dangerous, but it is worth noting that it is much harder to overdose on electrolytes than to be deficient in them.

Electrolyte overdose can occur as a result of excessive intake of supplements, uncontrolled medication or metabolic disorders. The concentration of electrolytes in our body is then much higher, which can lead to hypertension, loss of sensation in the limbs, the formation of kidney stones or fluid retention in the body.

An excess of electrolytes is just as dangerous as too little. Hence, if we eat foods rich in electrolytes or take supplements, it is advisable to dose the amounts so as not to harm ourselves. If we suspect an overdose, we can always carry out a test of the electrolytes in the body.

How to test electrolyte concentrations in the body?

The level of electrolytes in the body can be checked by analysing a blood sample. This test will tell us whether we are sometimes deficient. It is worth knowing that such a test is often carried out as part of routine blood tests. If there are any abnormalities, we will certainly be informed by our doctor and advised to supplement the electrolytes.

Tests are often carried out in situations where electrolyte disorders are suspected. The results can help in the diagnosis and subsequent monitoring of the condition and progress of treatment for various conditions.

How to replenish electrolyte deficiencies?

Electrolytes can be replenished in two ways: through food and liquids. In the first case, we should focus on fruit and vegetables, which can be found in the daily diet of practically everyone: potatoes, tomatoes or bananas. We can also try almonds, hazelnuts or buckwheat groats.

In terms of drinks, coconut water, milk, tomato juice, isotonic drinks or Gaminate Hydration - an isotonic that has all 6 electrolytes in its composition - will work well.

Gaminate Hydration - all 6 electrolytes in the body

Gaminate Hydration is the first sugar-free isotonic on the market that has all six electrolytes and 13 vitamins in its composition. This composition, which is unique in the world, means that the product supports adequate hydration of the body, taking care of both hydration and electrolytes.

Electrolytes can be drunk on a daily basis, hence Gaminate Hydration is great for high temperatures, intensive training or replenishing electrolyte deficiencies. At the same time, it is a great-tasting drink, as natural sweeteners such as erythrol and stevia are included, despite the lack of sugar. Three flavours are currently available: raspberry, lemon and exotic fruit.

Ordinary isotonic drinks usually have 1/2 electrolytes in their composition, which makes them not as good in terms of replenishing deficiencies as Gaminate Hydration. In addition, they have a BHI (rehydration index) of around 1.00 (pure water), depending on their composition, whereas Gaminate Hydration has a score of 1.42, making it the best rehydrating drink in the world. Only special electrolyte preparations available by prescription score higher, however, these cannot be used on a daily basis.

Hydration of the body

Gaminate Hydration and electrolytes

One serving of Gaminate Hydration is 700 ml, which contains up to: 150 mg magnesium, 300 mg calcium, 440 mg sodium, 660 mg chlorine, 500 mg potassium and 105 mg phosphorus. Hence, the drink is good for electrolyte deficiencies and electrolyte disorders.

It will also work well as a hangover cure after excessive alcohol consumption. After drunken parties, the body loses a lot of electrolytes, which is not so common knowledge. Gaminate Hydration helps to replenish these deficiencies, so that we can feel better sooner.

If you are therefore complaining of excessive water loss or want to replenish your electrolyte levels in a decent way, Gaminate Hydration seems almost ideal.

Home-made electrolytes

The use of electrolytes does not necessarily have to involve large expenses and special products. Anyone can easily make, for example, an isotonic drink at home (mixing water, citrus juice (e.g. lemon or lime), a pinch of sea salt and optionally a small amount of honey), but bear in mind that it will not be as rich in electrolytes as Gaminate Hydration or other specially prepared products.

At home, it is best to rely on fruit and vegetables, especially if we have our own garden. This will not only save us money, but also ensure that we eat healthily and that there are no electrolyte deficiencies in our bodies.

Author of the text
Daniel Gabryś


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